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 No.1141895[View All]

Whether you're day is just starting, just ending, or somewhere in the in-between-everyone likes a good music thread!~

(Didn't see a general music thread in the catalogue so I'm making one before I head to bed)
316 posts and 118 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.






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Pardon the zoomer music, but this has been stuck with me lately.



I can't stop listening to this.


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~ panty


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I ike it



tom cardy is a national treasure

i've listened to this song like a billion times


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They seem like genuine friends.


This one has stuck with me.


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Y'all ever play Burnout 3? Probably the best arcade racing game of all time. Also probably had the best licensed soundtrack of all time.

This is like, what, the fifth-best song from it? As with the rest of the soundtrack it hits really well when you're going like 150mph down populated city streets violently slamming your opponents against walls.

Too bad EA fucking cannibalised the devs and killed the franchise and also probably the entire arcade racing genre.



That song was also on Tony Hawks Underground 2. Also, Lazy Generation was the second best Burnout 3 song.

What was the best you ask? You already know


>What was the best you ask? You already know
I don't! Or at least I didn't. It turns out the soundtrack is good enough that there's like ten songs you could call 'the best'. Which is an accomplishment in a game that has My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy in it.

Anyway speaking of music that was in other games of that era.


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This one popped up on my feed. It seemed like something I needed to hear.



the quest for



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I honestly didn't think there'd be a sleeping with sirens sonic mashup aha.




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When the shitting streets hit just right.



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This is fantastic. This is what I'm here for.


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love sharing this whenever the opportunity presents itself


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wonder if the 4 season of the show will ever come out.



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I really hope so! It's up there as one of my favorite anime and I'd love to see more.

Though they keep releasing a bunch of other stuff like that isekai school show and some games. It's probably just so they can get anough funding or proof to their publisher that it's worth making another season. Fingers crossed it works!


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I was being dumb. But thanks for the sympathy.


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...Sorry, I wish I could do more to comfort you.


Well it work for the recarnated slime one, heres hoping!

Wish Dorohedoro got a second season.


I need it


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