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It's been pointed out that the rules on the home page do not make it clear, but political discussions or topics or even suggestions are not allowed on /pony/. We will try to address the rules shortly to be explicit, it takes a bit more technical effort than you'd imagine to edit the main page!

The upcoming election is going to be a very emotionally charged time for many users of this site. Ponyville attempts to cater to everyone across the political spectrum but as we all know that's an extraordinarily difficult position to take.

Many people use this site as a safe haven from the stress of politics, and it's become natural for many users to defend their home from politics creeping into it. Please report incidents and the staff will deal with it. Also, please do not engage with political content, it makes things harder for us to fix and clean up!

Thanks for your understanding. I'll leave the thread open for questions or clarifications.

Pic unrelated, I don't know what an appropriate image is for this so you get to see my bunny.
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Wow you wanna get political ovee this


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ahhh cuisineart... the art... of cuisine.

perhaps this is the place one may talk about such cuisineart! but if only, there are not more cuisineartists, to food about from.
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my parents told me i should have gone into cuisineSTEM and get a cuisineMD

but nah, i went cuisineart and now i work at cuisineMcDonald's


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I only have a blender, not a Cuisinart food processor.


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I ruin cuisine as much as I ruin about everything else.
Which is to say, I ruin it.

 No.1166458[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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It's honestly surprising what will cause someone to take a second look at themselves and decide to make changes.

The thought came to mind as the days began to warm up and so many things began to change. It'd been interesting to see how many are moving on to new or improved, and after a few weeks too I've been feeling a desire to do the same.

So I would like to challenge you all to go out and do the thing. Whether looking for a new job, trying a new hobby, working on a personal goal, or maybe just eating that sandwich you've always been curious about but always go back to your classic turkey.

Then come back here and enjoy a nice warm drink and talk about anything and everything on your mind.
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Ouch, but I bet it was tasty too


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Coffee refresh


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Coffee re refresh

 No.1161576[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Welcome to another edition of /b/ & Friends!
I am once again your hostess for this thread. Help yourself to tea and cakes ~w~

Post and discuss ponies or hangout and talk about anything! Everypony equal, everypony loved. <3

Credit to wavecipher for pic

PastePonyville, ctrl-v images into the QR reply box
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It's so difficccult to not snack, they're too tasty...

I will always be silly critter anyway~


What are you or were you drinkin?


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mmnnn, I just had to go for a hot choc today, somehow!
Though skipped the cream n marshmallows for another day

Am going for a special lunch on Friday, would gladly take the silly Ivy critter with me <3

 No.1166837[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

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Good morning.


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Insects molting does look kind of like a pokemon evolution.


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That's actually kinda true.

 No.1162656[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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My turn to start the next Wordle Thread.
(Thought to go for a "Columns" theme.)

🆆🅾🆁🅳🅻🅴 Thread: Revenge of Wordle
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Wordle 1,054 4/6


Y'all better pray


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Wordle 1.054 4/6

Now that's a word...


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Wordle 1,054 4/6


Oh! Maybe I'll be on a roll?


>Society has fallen apart so much that zoomers are pretending it's 2009

You know what I take it back maybe the Zoomers are not that bad after all
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I'm a Xennial and I am ready to tear it all down myself.


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Xennials grew up with the Ramones
Millennials grew up with What if God was one of us.



Don't forget the updated version from 5 years ago!


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Damn, I had a really shitty day at work, so I got blazed.

Let's have a conversation without a fixed subject..
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You are right. I apologize. I will kindly fuck off now.


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Gettin there myself.

 No.1141895[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Whether you're day is just starting, just ending, or somewhere in the in-between-everyone likes a good music thread!~

(Didn't see a general music thread in the catalogue so I'm making one before I head to bed)
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This is fantastic. This is what I'm here for.


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and also with you!
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Your face is adopted


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at least my face chose me!


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Your mom is your face


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What do you normally eat for breakfast?
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I normally don't eat breakfast

Sometimes an apple and an egg


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I just ate a whole can of asparagus. My piss is going to smell so fucking gross later.


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I'm British and I like to wake up at like 7pm so that I can hang out with the American crowd. This means I usually wake up and have a meal with my mother, which is dinner for her and breakfast for me.

So the answer is a lot of weird stuff people usually wouldn't have for breakfast. Today it was curry.

 No.1163722[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Hey everyone! Have you ever heard of "36 Questions to Fall in Love With"?

they are a series of questions that you ask your date or partner to become more vulnerable and build bonds with them, and then fall in love! How Romantic <3

now let's put those questions on a random number generator and make everyone answer in random order!

Nothing says love like asking a deep personal question that exposes vulnerability right off the bat!

(now the partner in question could be anyone, it doesn't have to be me [unless you wanna ;3], so i'll leave that one open to you to adress!)

so the rules are simple!

roll a 1d36 die, and whatever question/prompt you land on, answer or do that thing! it's super easy!

(to roll a 1d36, type <1d36> but replace the <> with [] )
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>34.Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?

My house

Jokes aside, it would be this giant handmade alpaca skin rug from peru. It's priceless and irreplaceable. Other memories like pictures and videos I have stored safely on two different cloud sources and two different external hard drives, one of which is always kept in a sturdy fireproof box.


Huh. This one is back.

1d36 = 29


>Share an embarrassing moment in your life.
Literally any time I make anything and I remember I am terrible at most things?

In seriousness, though, I don't remember many like... actually that embarassing moments. I don't really give myself crap for "cringe" when I was a kid, for instance.

I did have a habit of sounding a lot more crass and harsh than I intended when I wanted to correct someone on the stuff they said to me, or if they misunderstood something I said - and I am definitely not proud of that, cause it sounded pretty assholish. It was never the intention, but I used to be a lot angrier and assume a lot more ill intent from folks. So I guess that's it?


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Please, help me make Suomi see the light. Tell him why he should reconsider his stance about Elon Musk, and why that person is nothing but the toxic outlet of disenchanted nerdy white guys.
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unsure why i even bother posting here nowdays.

>have a roof over my head ( although the house have black mold and the roof is slowly caving in )

>have a job ( with many overtime hours )

>have cash after bills are paid
( so i can pay for gas and food )

>have several projects cars that ive bought for cheap
( they are cheap for a reason since needs alot of work. and nothing newer than 1999 )

>have couple of project boats ive bought for cheap
( since they need repairs and no body wanna deal with 2 stroke engines since they are so bad for the enviroment )
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To me it's not about how wealthy you are on itself.
It can be about how you got your wealth and how you perpetuate it.

If you run a company giving yourself or your shareholders a fat bonus, while announcing lay offs and wage reductions to save money, then you probably should be eaten.


I still feel weird about Elon Musk and his brother as grown men getting into a huge physical fight that literally involved them trying to BITE chunks of flesh off of each other's bodies

Jesus Christ this is like actual Hollywood horror movie level physical and psychological abuse

Families are often just hell put into real form


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ヒヒーン  :aj4:
ITT: post pics of horses wearing armor!

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I assure you that no matter what you request off of 'em, they have heard weirder.


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Happy Saturday everyone!

I take it you will be out partying tonight?
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Not really.

I go to a TTRPG session once a week, and if someone can't show up we likely just play a board game, but the closest place ti play board games would be in Copenhagen, and I don't have many friends that play them. Nor can I afford the cool ones anyway.

I'd like to play more, though.


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I'm always looking for ways to host an online event so my friends from around the world can participate


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Saturday night, I feel the air is getting hot
Like you baby
I'll make you mine, you know I'll take you to the top
I'll drive you crazy

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