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What do you normally eat for breakfast?


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Cruesli is all the rage this year


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Coffee and a bread with cheese.


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I normally don't eat breakfast

Sometimes an apple and an egg


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I just ate a whole can of asparagus. My piss is going to smell so fucking gross later.


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I'm British and I like to wake up at like 7pm so that I can hang out with the American crowd. This means I usually wake up and have a meal with my mother, which is dinner for her and breakfast for me.

So the answer is a lot of weird stuff people usually wouldn't have for breakfast. Today it was curry.


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Well, did it?


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I see, I see. How've you been?


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oh... hses goin ob one of his bendrs agan... he's gonna get babned... waahhh...


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Oh fine. I've been having some nice chats with Steve Jobs, myself.


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Sounds about right. Try to hold it together, my guy. I think about you more than I want to admit. I'd like shit to work out for you.
Who? What?


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Me! I asked.

I suppose, yeah... my hands are tied, though. You know how it is. Big things coming. Some aren't gonna make it. A great flood, a great typhoon, rushing in, the status quo the status quone. If you know you know. If you don't know, you're having more fun than me, perchance.


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It'll take a bigger bullet than they make to put this cowgirl under. Yeehaaa

Good to see you too. I heard you were posting here and got curious. <333


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Somewhere made you a mod? So you can like, ban me or something? Wow, that's crazy. Congratulations. I'm sorry.


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You're so sweet

I mean yeah, I figured it wasn't here given you just started accusing random people of crimes against humanity lmao

Those qualifications seem pretty good. Hell, I'd probably get admin if that's what it takes.


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>I'm practically diabetic
Stop eating seed oils.  It's difficult, because most packaged foods and restaurant food are tainted with seed oils, but worth it.


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Ehhhhhhh doesn't seem like my bag fam. Nice talking to you anyway.


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Occasionaly a bar of chocolate or derivative can hit the spot.


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damn... all bcause i don't wanna hang on your weirdo neonazi site...

idk what to say...


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Alright alright fair, you're all japing around. It's a bit hard to tell when that stuff went from "so extreme it's obvious a ludicrous joke" to "just my opinions man" online.

As for the fakeness... I dunno what to say. I didn't "abandon" anyone. Most of those people are people I haven't talked to for years. And yeah, I hate Discord, so I'm going to not use Discord if I have to make a zillion accounts just to use it because their captcha system's broken. I gave those people avenues to talk to me but it seemed like it was nothing too serious, so I forgot about it.

I hate weird flakes that abandon their friends too. I don't think I'm fake or anything, besides that I love spouting complete nonsense online. I'm definitely cynical about talking to other people because I've had people flake out on me, but I wouldn't want to leave anyone who actually cared about me hanging. If I did, I wouldn't have even come looking on here to talk to you. It would have been very simple to just ignore you were posting here at all, at least for the five minutes you weren't breaking site rules to do so.


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Y'all ever get the impression you're only getting one half of the story?



>Theme song plays

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